daffodils and dandelions!
On nice evenings, I've taken to working for an hour or so, pulling out a bucket full of dandelions. Here's the size of my bucket, and here's my haul of dandelions so far. They're on a tarp because I'm going to take them to the Saanich Works, where THEY can compost them (the little buggers aren't getting into MY compost - no way!). I also have some invasive species that I've been working on controlling (without pesticides, just by hand): morning glory, ivy, holly (at least the holly is easy to see), and, most recently, violets.
my bucket and my dandelion haul... so far
violets... ugh
I recently cleared a back patch of my backyard of flowers (I don't know what they're called, but they are also prolific and self seed themselves into the lawn... I made the executive decision that they were spreading too far, so out they came!), and a couple weeks later rhubarb came up in their place! I had never had rhubarb in that particular corner (I have some in another corner) and have absolutely no idea how it got there.
cute little rhubarb plant!
Although I'm not a fan of picking weeds, it's still been really nice to get out in my garden and work away without thinking about time or other commitments; it's definitely a meditative sort of activity, though it wrecks havoc on my neck and back sometimes. I'm going to end this post with two nice pics from my garden, one of a sweet smelling hyacinth that just bloomed, and another of my favorite part of my garden - the side walk. There's something so lovely about a path down the side of a house that has flowers on either side. Even with all the weed pulling I have left to do (which is completely my own choice), I am so looking forward to the coming weeks and watching my garden come to life!
Who knew about those violets? So pretty and delicate, but they are really bullies in disguise! The walkway by the side of the house is a lovely spot.